1.1   Planning Experiments
A) Defining Purpose:
·         The purpose of the experiment is to define observation and research studies to answer the specific question about the objective of the experiments.
·         How to define purpose?
Identify the problem observation then examine the current issue &recent research.
·         For example:
Problem: Discoloration of fruit in fruit juice.
Trend: Healthy fruit juice without preservative
Suggestion: Add lemon juice as a natural preservative to stop the enzymatic reaction of fruit from browning.
Purpose: Objective
Objective: To determine the effect of lemon juice towards the discoloration of fruit juice.

B) Design Experiment:
( Includes finding variables, method, and evaluation.)

·         Variable:
1)      Independent variable: The factors/ variables that you intentionally change (controlled variable)
2)      Dependent variable: The variables that changes depend on the independent variable.

·         Methods:
1)      Plan for sample preparation:
Identify an excellent standard formula for the product. Identify every action involved during the production of the product in written statement and make sure the experiment can be repeated for experimental sample and data collecting.
2)      Plan for a principle of experimental design:
                          I. Randomization – A random process of assigning treatments to the experimental units.
                          II.Replication – repetition of basic experiment
                          III. Blocking / Local control- Experiments units are collected or compared among conditions of experiment within each box.

C)     Evaluation: How to evaluate?
1)     Methods:
-Identify necessary objective measurements
- Identify appropriate technique & standard methods used in food analyses. - Determine quantities of sample needed / sample size.
- Determine timing & temperature of samples for testing.

2)      Devices:
-Identify appropriate equipment / facilities for objective &subjective testing.
- Ensure all pertinent characteristics are test appropriate for validation.
- For sensory evaluation, designate taste panel & develop suitable scorecard.

D)Conducting Experiments
  1.      Preparation –Read and understand the experimental procedure, prepare lab notebook and think ahead about safety during the experiment.
  2.      Data table –Ensure consistent data recording, controlled variables/ measurement to be taken are correct.
  3.      During experiments – Firstly, do a quick preliminary run as a guideline to obtain probable results. (Results obtain during preliminary run are only used as guidelines). Secondly, record the observations as the experiments are performed >problems occur, interesting occurrence and unexpected look out. Taking pictures along the way would help to explain and enhance the display for the scientific explanations.

E)Interpreting Data

Interpret the data obtain by identifying the accuracy and precision and also to analyze the data based on the statistics.(descriptive-describing results using mean & median and inferential statistics based on stated hypothesis)

F) Reporting Data
  1.        Report writing –includes an introduction, materials and procedure, result and discussion, and conclusion with a reference; avoid plagiarism.     
  2.      Data presentation –present results obtained in terms of smart chart depending on frequencies, trends, distribution, and association.
  3.  Summary/ conclusion –summary of the results and answer of the hypothesis which is related to the results.
