Domain 1 - Market Study

Market study

In this Domain 1; market study is done to understand the position of the product by obtaining consumers knowledge about probiotic drinks based on their income, occupation , their field of work and consuming behavior. The position of the product was been researched by using a questionnaire as the tool used during a survey. The method used to obtain the position of the product is quantitative method.

In order to carry out domain 1, you'll have to
1) Plan a market research on the product ( find the objective, choosing the right tool, and design the questionnaire)
Discussion about the objective of the domain 1, how to carry out domain 1, and what do we wan't to find out from the consumer.
2) Conduct survey

The survey were done individually to avoid discussion among participants. The participants were observed and was helped when they asked or looked confused while answering the questionnaire.

3) Collect and compile data
    ( Online website and application such as google doc and drop box were use to delegate task and complete in time. The medium were also used to analyze and compiled into a presentation 'prezi'.)
4) Analyze of data
5) Conclusion
6) Identify further topic to be researched

The main aim of domain 1, is to understand the position of the product by identifying the customer and determining the consumer profile. The following questions were asked during the survey:

Question regarding:
1. Age
2. Gender
3. Race
4. Income group
5. Education background
6. Field of work
7. Type of beverages     consumed
8. Knowledge about probiotic drinks
9. Consuming pattern
10.Purchasing pattern

were asked in order to acquire customer profile. Besides that, I've also learned that while carrying out the survey, it is important to be always attentive and alert to the participant, so that we can help them and observe their reaction while they are doing the survey.

In this domain 1, I have improved my cognitive skill  through thinking and problem solving skills while discussing about how to plan and carry out domain 1 and also to get the answer that we need from the participant. We had to think critically and creatively while designing the questionnaire.I have also improved my communication skills because I have to create and start a conversation in order for the participants to agree to answer my questionnaire.

As conclusion, it is important to ask question that matters to the product, so that we could know even further knowledge about customer profile on the particular product and where it stand in their point of view.
