Domain 4 - Feasibility Test

Feasibility Study
During domain 4 I have carried out the feasibility study where I check the feasibility of the revised alpha concept products in domain 3. This test is conducted in order to check the viability of the ideas presented in domain 3. This study will help us in thinking whether the product ideated is going to be a succes or a failure during the production. Hence, the study will show that whether the ideas generated can be produced without problems, or if there is a problem, do they have a solution for the problems. Questions such as whom, who, where, if , why and also the cost would be questioned during feasibility test.

In this domain, I have learned that there are few types of feasibility that  must be conducted in order to see whether the ideas generated are feasible enough to be produced or not. There are different types of feasibility test that must be conducted, market feasibility, technical feasibility, financial feasibility and also the organization feasibility:

1) Market feasibility : It is a feasibility to show how does the product works, if the product will be a success and also to identify the potential problems that can occur. 
2) Technical feasibility : It is a test to check whether the product can be processed in the university level and also in the industrialised level. Besides that it is also a test to check whether the machine and the equipment used can be found and used in the industry or university level, culinary challenge aspect to see whether the appearance and design of the product can be produced properly in university and industry level, formulation challenge ( to see whether the ingredients in te product wuld complement each orther or deplecate one another) and also the processing & packaging challenge.
3) Financial feasibility : It is a test to check whether the cost of the ingredient, equipment, packaging material and also the process of making the product is feasible or not. This is to let us know how much is the production overall cost of the product.

In this domain 4, I have learned that it is imprtant to carry out the feasibility test properly so that we would know how good the product is, and what are the problems that they are having. This will lead to a better solutions and higher feasibility rate. Feasibility test would also show us which product has the highest feasibility rate and use it for the beta conept ideation. The higher the feasibility rate, the more viable it is. Hence, This domain will let you undesrtand more about the product that you are going to develop for the final year project.
