Domain 5 - Consumer Acceptance
Consumer Acceptance
In this domain 5, Consumer Acceptance has been carried out in order to understand and check the consumer's acceptance of the product ideas that's been generated during domain 3. The five revised alpha concepts will be used to check whether these products can be accepted by the consumers and also to get their comments and thoughts about the product. The interview was carried out in a one to one interview session and are done in and out of campus. Total of 3 interviews was conducted for the consumer acceptance. A qualitative researched were used in order to get participants to answer and suggest regarding the questions that have been asked during the interview.
During the interview, the participants were asked with their first impression of the product and followed by the explanation of the product to the participants. Several questions such as;
1) What do you think about the flavour and the packaging of the product? Do you like it or not? Why?
2) What are the suggestions that can be made so that you will buy the product?
3) How much are you willing to pay for these products?
4) What do you like and do not like about these products, please justify?
5) What do you think need to be improved for each of the products?
has been asked to check the consumer's acceptance of these products. The result obtained will be analyzed and interpreted into slides. To surprise, these participants have commented and suggested very serious and practical answers to our questions. Their answer has helped us in what will the consumer thinks and broadens up our mind into thinking critically towards the smaller details on the products presented in terms of consumers views. However, we have also remembered that there are also a different type of consumers with a different type of views in the market, with that, their suggestions were taken into consideration for the beta concept. Thus, in this domain, I have learned how to conduct a one to one interview with strangers and improved my communication skills.
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