Domain 2 - Commercial product

Commercial Product

In Domain 2, I have learned about the process and method of producing a commercialised product and the requirements of creating a commercialised product. A commercial product is a product that is sold in the market for commercial purposes.The product has undergone the commercialization process where a new product is introduced in the market. It is the process of making a product available for sale to the public. Commercialisation is the process of transforming the ideas, knowledge and inventions into greater wealth for individuals, business and society at large. In other words, the commercialising of the product is to create a commercial product based on the gold standard product as the benchmark to create a commercial product which has the same quality and attribute as the gold standard or even a better product than the gold standard. 

During the process of making the commercialised product, there are few factors need to be taken into consideration while preparing the commercial product:
1) The importance of developing a product which has the same physical properties of the product while including the significant efforts of measuring properties, as well as the prediction of properties based on the composition.
2) The physical properties of the technical ingredients that were added to the product that affects the relationship of the product quality, as well as their effect on the processing behaviour of foods.
3) The type and percentage of technical food ingredients that we are going use 

In order to carry  out domain 2, which is to create the commercialised product:
1. Start categorizing the type of technical ingredients that are going to be used, test the properties of the technical ingredients, suitability with the product and how does it affect the overall product.

 -  The technical ingredients tested are food stabilizers such as carrageenan Iota,  carrageenan Kappa, gellan gum, CMC and xanthan gum. 
  - The technical ingredient will be tested in a different condition such as hot water, cold water, room temperature and also in oil medium to test for their properties. 
 - After testing for the properties, the technical ingredients will be screened for their best properties and be used to test in the real product.

2. Refine the type of technical ingredients that will be used and start setting the range of percentage that will be used in the product. The range set for the percentage must be set from minimum, average to maximum to check for the suitable percentage.

 - The percentage of the technical ingredients that were set are found from various journals, tested, recorded and was compared for the best properties.
 - After the hydrocolloids were tested, the type and percentage of mango flavourings and acid regulator are tested. The physical properties of the product were tested after each different percentage was added.

- When the right percentage was chosen, the technical ingredients with the correct percentage was mixed together in the product, in order to check for its physical properties. The physical properties of the product are also compared with the gold standard in order create a same product with the gold standard.

3. The new commercial product will be tested for its acceptability in a sensory test and the product will further undergo refining through the comments from the external panellist.

4. After refining, the product will undergo a second sensory test, where the new product is compared with the gold standard to test its level of acceptance. The second sensory test is also to test whether the new product made has the same properties as the gold standard or has better properties than the gold standard. The properties of the product and the result of the sensory test are analyzed using the IBM SPSS program to observe whether the new commercialized product have the same or better sensory attributes and physical properties.

As a conclusion, in order to develop the commercialized product, it is important to understand the type of product that is going to be commercialized. We would have to know and understand, what kind of attributes and properties of a commercialized product that we are going to make, in order to find the right technical ingredients as the substitute to provide the same properties and attributes in the commercialized product. Besides that, it is also important to understand and have knowledge of the different type of technical ingredients that are available to be used during the commercializing process. By knowing their characteristic and testing these technical ingredients, it would help us achieved the type commercialized that we are going to create.
