Domain 4 - Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy
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In Domain 4, in order to understand where does the product stand in the market, the product has undergone a pilot study; where the product will be pre-sold to the customers to received comments and feedback to understand how is the product produced is well accepted by the consumers. In this domain, besides the pilot study, I have also learned how to calculate the costing, generate the nutrition facts using online programmes, analyse the marketing strategy for the product using the 4 P's and SWOT analysis and also come out with a packaging design for the product along with the product labelling.

In order to conduct the pilot study, first, the product labelling and the design of the packaging is designed. The product labelling should contain labelling such as the name of the product, the logo, the net weight of the product and artwork at the front of the packaging design. The product labelling shall be labelled according to the law of Food Safety Act Malaysia if the products are made in Malaysia. After the product packaging is created, the sell sheet of the product will also be created. Product sell sheet is a one-page sheet used in sales to attract attention to a new product. The sell sheet is commonly distributed through mail, presented at a meeting or provided via email to interested parties. Information such a the description of the product, benefits of the products and also product specification should be listed on the sell sheet to attract the customer's attention. When the sell sheet is ready, the product is ready to undergo a pilot study.

During the pilot study, my friend and I are allowed to sell the product for one day and a questionnaire is created to understand the consumers feedback on the flavour, price and packaging design of the product. We have set up the booth and sold our products for one day.
Setting up the booth!

Sell Sheet and marketing tools.

Explaining and selling the drinks to the customers.
Potential customers!

After the pilot study is conducted, we can then start setting the price for the prodcut based on the survey and feedback received from the customers. based on the feedback also can be used to conduct the marketing strategy 4P's and undergo SWOT analysis to observed the strength, weakness, opportunities and the threats of the product. In this domain, I have improved my cognitive skills where I gain communication skills while promoting and explaining the product to the customers. I have also managed to work as a team along with my teammates during the pilot study.
